Monday, August 17, 2009

August 17, 2009

What an amazing Monday! Normally Monday's are funny because the children come back
from the weekend having slept in, or stay up late at night,ect.
The children came in today calm,really focused, and engaged in work. They all went from one
work to another. This was the first day where I could sit down,away from them, and write
obervational notes-yay!!!

It feels good knowing that the children trust Janet and I, and are comfortable with their
classroom and friends.
The special presentation today was a drum.
At line I showed the children all the different ways you could play it. I then asked each of them
if they would like a turn playing the drum, anyway they like. Each of them came up with their own special way.I liked the scratching of the drum.
Tomorrow we will make drums of our own.

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