Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Frosting "Sugar Free" Cut Out Cookies

December 14, 2009

The night before I made the sugarless dough. It's called sugarless because I used Agave Nectar instead of sugar. I left it in the fridge over night. The next day the children chose what shape they wanted and my parent helper rolled out the dough for them. Next they used the cookie cutter to stamp out the shape. I then placd them in the toaster oven. Whne they were baked, the children frosted their cookie. The frosting was also "sugarless", used agave nectar. The frosting was also dyed pink by using raspberries, and green using a very small amount of avacado.

It was fun watching their exciement when they had completed frosting their cookie and then tasting the final product.